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A:REPORTS: 1.Study identifies potential markets for high value plant extracts . It suggests some directions for research in support of these markets, and forms part of the support by Government through the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food for industrial crops - 75 pages 2.Working Group Report India on Fruits, Vegetables, Tuber Crops, Floriculture, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Spices, Plantation Crops including Tea, Coffee and Rubber - 390 pages 3.The leading European importers for food ingredients for industrial use are Germany, France, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Italy. At the level of product groups, however, there can be other countries, which are important markets. Spain, for example, is unimportant market for pulses, while Portugal represents the second leading importer of sugars... in 115 pages 4. Aromatics: Description of the Product and Its Uses, Market and Competition Considerations, Equipment Needs, Costs, and Suppliers, Resource Conservation Considerations, Distribution and Packaging, Special Factors, Considerations for a Rural Development Strategy 5. Hawk Commodities International., a DBA of Hawk Petroleum Inc, is one of the largest and most renowned processors and suppliers of spice ingredients to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries 6.Culinary herbs consumption in Australia has traditionally been based on the home market and the food service sector. In recent years there has been strong growth in total herb consumption. Supplies have come from both Australian production as well as imports.74 pages 7. Agriculture Business Profiles: Essential Oil Industry Fact Sheet for Alberta 8.European Company Profiles ( a few) 9.Production of Herbs in Argentina - 24 page report of Possibilities there 10. India & Canada Trade Statistics: Canada's Agrifood Import from India 11.Report on Indian Plants used for Cosmetics & Toiletries - 20 pages 12.Sri Lanka Institute of Post Harvest Technology (IPHT), operating under the Ministry of Agriculture, functions as the main institution in Sri Lanka engaged in improving the post harvest technology of cereals, pulses, oil seeds, other field crops, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants through research, training, extension and other development activities - 106 pages Report 13. Market for Natural Ingredients for pharmaceutical - those products which are of importance to developing country suppliers - 59 Pages 14.Export Market Diversification for USA Market- Indian Experiences 15.The primary markets for plant extracts are the flavour and fragrance industries, and medicinal, pharmaceutical and insecticidal outlets. The USA, Western Europe and Japan are the main consumers of these products and account for approximately 78% of total world consumption - 57 pages 16.The world market for imported spices and culinary herbs is large, valued at just over US$ 2.3 billion. The main importers are developed countries (EU, USA) which import tropical and sub-tropical spices from developing countries. 17.Food Processing Industries - Tenth plan Schemes - India 43 pages 18.According to FAO data, total EU apparent consumption of spices and herbs (production plus imports minus exports plus changes in the stocks) amounted to 161 thousand tonnes in 2000. The leading consuming country is Germany, accounting for over a quarter of total EU consumption in 2000, followed by the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and France - 45 pages 19. According to SIDBI (2000), in its Report on small-scale industries sector during 1988-89 to 1998-99, the Tamil Nadu SSI sector continued to grow fast. The average annual rate of growth (compound) of number of units was 12.8 per cent and of employment 10.9 per cent. 20.Japan relies for virtually its entire supply of unprocessed spice materials. Japanese home consumption of spices used to be limited, but changes in the lifestyle have led to greater diversity in the diet. 21.Agro Trade 2001 Japan The top six suppliers throughout 1999, 2000 and the first half of 2001 are the United States, China, Australia, Canada, Thailand, and R.O. Korea. 22.International Pepper Conference Potential in Mexico 23.Information on production and marketing of dried Bird’s Eye chilies 24.Citronella Oil Industry - a Report |
1.List of Essential Oils Reference Web Sites
C: Specific Products: Technology Information 1.Essential
oil extracted from the leaves of turmeric, Curcuma
longa L., was investigated for
contact and fumigant toxicity and its effect on progeny production in
three stored-product beetles, Rhyzopertha
dominica F. (lesser grain borer),
Sitophilus oryzae L.
(rice weevil), and Tribolium
castaneum Herbst (red ßour
beetle) 11.Extraction of Ginger Oleoresin from Ginger-Root Using Supercritical CO2 12. Lemongrass 13.Pepper is a branching vine which reaches heights of 10m. It is usually grown on live supports such as Gliricidia or Kapok and bears 2 years after planting. 14.Aloe Succotrina 15.Tangantangan Plant Oil: Tegusol’s tangantangan plant oil has been found effective for removing tumors such as warts, and in treating other skin disorders such as psoriasis. 16.Turpentine is a name applied to numerous semi-fluid oleoresins obtained from coniferous trees. The substance obtained from these trees consists of 75 to 90 percent resin and 10 to 25 percent oil. When distilled, it yields turpentine (C10H6). Turpentine is a mixture of terpenes and essential oils, which vary in percentage based on geographic location, tree species, and the distillation process. 17.Vanilla in Ice Cream - Selection Criteria for signature profile 18.Jasmine Day Jasmine 19.Eucalyptus Oil 20.Rosemary Oil 21.Mentha arvensis (commonly known as menthol mint, corn mint or Japanese mint) 22.Oregano has
3 to 20 times higher antioxidant activity than the other herbs studied 23.Parsley
24.Thyme 25.Carotenoids 26.Processing of Nutmeg & Mace
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