- American
Foundry Society: Technology Development & Research Plan ( October,
2002 report - 56 pages)
- Metal casting Industry Technology
Roadmap Workshop
100 research Ideas ( 72 pages)
- Profile of the Metal Casting Industry. In
depth analysis of metal casting industry process
energy, environment & productivity issues - 1998 ( 59 pages)
- The Steel Casting Industry in U.K.(26
pages report)
- Imports & Exports of Foundry
Products in Europe:2002 (95 pages survey report)
- A Vision for the U.S. Metal Casting Industry
2002 & Beyond
( 14 pages report)
- Engineering Export Promotion Council Report on European Foundry Industry -2001
(6 pages)
Road map for development
of Casting Industry USA
( 8 pages)
Castings from India to USA - Countervailing Duty Administrative Review
Sustainable Industry: Metal Casting Industry Profile 1998
Traits & Trends - 40 pages
- The Metal Casting Industry of the Future, to improve energy efficiency in metal casting.
- Aluminum Industry Vision By 2020 - (60
- Allegheny Technologies - company profile
- Aluminium Industry Road map for Automotive
Market - 76 pages
- Business-to-Business e-Commerce for the Metal Casting Industry
- Industrial Castings: Global Strategic Business Report outline
- Foundry Business on Line
- Canada Foundry Association
- Over Seas Competitors
- Foundry Directory
- Electronic information & commerce for metal castings
- US Metal Casting Industry & Energy & Environment Profile
( 113 pages report)
- Foundry Information Center
- Industry Forecasting - USA APRIL 2002
- 19 pages
- Casting imported from India to USA - Countervailing duty imposed
- Virtual Reality brings foundry of the future to Life
- Detection & Removal of molten salts from molten aluminium alloys
(94 pages)
- Intermetallic Alloys
- Software Improves Productivity
- Alloy Surface Behavior
- Re cycling & Laser sorting of scrap aluminium
- USA R&D Awards for energy efficient industries
- Grain refinement of permanent mold cast copper base alloys
- Aluminium Chill Casting Model
- Advanced Steel
Casting Technology
- Modeling of Rheology in Semi solid
alloys - 64 pages report of Metal Casting Institute
- Casting Characteristics of Aluminium die cast alloys
- Effect of Aluminium Casting conditions
- Clean Steel
- Clean Metal Casting
- Composite Coatings
- Continuous Casting
- Core Technology
- Metal casting course
- Surface engineered coating system
- Computer model for cupola
- Control of Cupola Furnace
- Copper motor rotors
- Die Life Extension
- Direct pour in mould technology
- Ductile Iron
- Gating Aluminium Permanent
Mould castings
- Anaerobic bioleaching
- Heatreatment Aluminium Casting
- Polystrene Foam Patterns
- Industrial Assessment Centers
- Tooling alloys for molds & dies
- Thixomolding
- Advanced materials and processes
- Ceramic Composite die
- Compressed Air System
- Microstructural Evolution
- Mold Surface Topography
- Filtering Molten Metal
- Removal of molten salts
- Casting contest
- Partnership
- Investment castings
- Safety Issues
- Company Profile - Intermet
- Heatreatment procedure
- Recover & reuse sulfur dioxide
- High Frequency eddy currents
Separator for foundry
- Compressed air system for powdered metal mfg plant
- Thin Wall Iron Castings
- To produce clean steel castings
- Advance Lost Foam casting
- Heat Transfer at mold
- Foundry Industry Group
- Foundry Industry
Directory on the Internet
- How to Generate Export
Enquiries using the Internet
- Primary Information Services
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