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what is it ? | |
Ashwagandha possesses anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antistress, antioxidant,immunomodulatory, hemopoetic, and rejuvenating properties. It also has a positive influence on the endocrine, cardiopulmonary, and central nervous systems.The Indian Central Council for Research on Ayurveda and Siddha tells us that ashwaganda root exerts its most powerful pharmacologicalinfluence on the reproductive system, neuropharmacological disorders,cardiovascular system, respiratory system, bacteria, fungi, inflammation and gastric acidity | |
Uses in Formulations | |
Ethanolic or aqueous extract of the root alone or in combination with other herbal materials is used in many commercial herbal formulations under various trade names such as Mentat, Geriforte, Pepcaps, 30 plus, Stresscom, Ashwagandharisht, Ashwagandhadi-churan, Ashwagandha-rasayanrist, and Ashwagandha-ghrit | |
Industry Status | |
cultivation is done at Mandsore district of Madhya Pradesh. Annual
production of drug is 12,000 tons both from wild as well as cultivated
sources.Convolvulus arvensis Himalayan mountain variety
found in Nepal is the original one described in Sanskrit texts, and that
Withaniaa somnifera was discovered and used later by doctors in
India. The annual requirement of the drug in Indian market is about 3000 tons. Ashwagandha root has great demand in crude drug market. The wholesale rate is about Rs 5000 per quintal The US Patents and Trademarks Office (USPTO) has granted a dozen patents in the last five years on ashwagandha centred findings. |
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