Entrepreneurs Need Lots of Information while in the process of
Starting an Enterprise of their Dreams or Managing their existing
one. The information pertaining to project selection, location, markets,
choice of technology and machinery, mode of finance, distribution
channels, selection
of suppliers of material inputs, recruitment of personnel, Logistics, Government
Rules, Procedures & Regulations are some of the things the entrepreneurs
will be searching for at one time or other.
There are many government, trade
associations, consultants, customers besides Newspapers, magazines,
technical literature in all the countries providing information to
entrepreneurs . Despite the availability of wide institutional network getting
adequate, timely, quick, reliable up-to-date information on what to
produce, how to produce and market continues to be one of the major
drawbacks and problems of the
Entrepreneurs all over the world.
Trade has become Global .Buyers seek
Sellers; There are always more sellers than buyers and so the ever
increasing hunt for markets; the urge to produce better and supply
cheaper; the challenge to find newer products/services.
Links to Special Category of Web Sites:
Women Entrepreneurs of Canada
Youth Tech Entrepreneurs