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Trade in Rice Buy CD Rom |
Finding Rice Importers around
the Globe |
Trade Leads of Buyers,
Importers Lists are available |
World Rice Trade is around
25 Million Tons and the Exporters are Thailand, India, Vietnam, United
States, China ,Burma , Pakistan Uruguay, Australia ,Egypt , EU, Argentina ,
Guyana and a few small players. First five countries export about 60% of the
world trade in Rice. Export of Rice from India is expected to be of the
order of 4 million Tons per year subjected to conditions. |
Rice Importers in the order of size of imports are Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria,
Iraq, Saudi Arabia, EU, Senegal, Japan,
Philippines, Cote
d'Ivoire, Malaysia, South Africa, Bangladesh, Mexico, Cuba, North Korea,
USA, Brazil, China, Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Singapore, Turkey &
several other countries. First seven countries import about 40% exports.
Major Importer is Indonesia. |
Whereas. the Rice
production remains almost constant while the population is increasing,
contributing to the ever increasing demand for food.
Of the 15 countries growing at least 1 million hectares of rice, only two
are outside Asia. China and India account for about 50% of the world's rice
area and 56% of production. Bangladesh, Indonesia and Thailand each have
rice production areas greater than the total for Latin America. Africa's
total rice area is only slightly below that of Vietnam, but African
production is less than two-thirds that for Vietnam |
Russia, South
African, parts of sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East are the major
export markets for India's non-basmati rice, while the E.U., the U.S. and
the Middle East are principal markets for India's basmati rice. Most
non-basmati exports to South Africa and the Middle East are parboiled rice.
The exporters and the
Importers of the world have got to identify partners for the Rice trade and
in this Internet Trade portals are being found very useful. Directories of
Importers ,Exporters ,Trade Leads Posting, Adverting ,Digital Brochure
Mailing, have all are contributing to trade and development. |
International Organizations
connected with Rice Production , Development, Research and Trade are:
The International Rice Research Institute United States Agriculture
Department, United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization, Agriculture
Departments of the Governments of the different countries of the world, Rice
Traders Associations in many countries. All these provide valuable
information to not only traders but also farmers, scientists, and others.
the Internet contains lots of information. |
Information Profile on CD ROM
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International Rice Market
Japanese Imports of Rice
UK Rice Market
Vietnam Rice Industry here
21 Murugappan
St SwamyNagarExt2 |
Chennai - 600091 India |
Phone: 91 044
22421080 |